Code of Conduct

Titans of the Midwest Code of Conduct

Titans of the Midwest is a nonprofit organization with an all-volunteer board of directors. We are committed to providing a fun, creative, and educational environment that is free from harassment, abusive behavior, and consent violations. The board is dedicated to furthering freedom of expression in tandem with personal accountability, while driving to eliminate toxic relationships and behaviors. The Titans expect high standards of behavior and education, and will make every effort to ensure all members and guests act responsibly and with sensitivity.


All of the organization’s rules, policies and guidelines apply to all members or persons in attendance at any and all Titans events. All Titans rules, policies and guidelines further extend to online activity.


We are a self-run community and it takes all members pitching in to do their part for us to continue what we do. Members are expected to volunteer either online or in person throughout the year. Members should review and be aware of the organization’s bylaws. Bylaws are publicly available and are located on the Titans website ( or available via email  This allows members to maintain knowledge of the organization’s mission, an understanding of how it is run, and what your rights are as a member.


Titans members must be at least 21 years old (proof of age required) and agree to and follow all rules of the Titans. Titans members must agree they are not required to register in any state as a sex offender, and have never been convicted of any sexual related felony.


No participant may solicit or request services for monetary consideration or favors of any kind, sexual or non-sexual, during any Titans sponsored events. Additionally, no participant may vend or offer items for monetary value during any event or meeting without express permission of the Board.


All information about identities and activities of Titans participants is held in strict confidence by all participants. This information includes but is not limited to names (both legal and familiar), telephone numbers, addresses, and all personal information. If a person or persons knowingly or unknowingly jeopardize the safety or sanctity of the Titans of the Midwest organization, its members, or events, the offending person(s) may be immediately ejected from any event at the sole discretion of the designated Titans representative(s). The Titans board may take additional action, up to and including a permanent ban from future Titans events or activities, in accordance with the bylaws.


Be aware of and respect the personal boundaries of others so that everyone can enjoy our events.  Affirmative* consent is always required for photography and when touching/interacting physically with others. 

  • Wearing gear is not consent
  • Being in a sexually charged space is not consent
  • NO means NO 
  • Consent may be revoked at any time, and without a need for explanation
  • In Titans spaces consent is deemed withdrawn if one party is unable to respond or use a “safe word” or “safe gesture”.

Consent applies to all forms of interaction—physical touch, use of implements or toys, sharing of photos, exchange of bodily fluids, etc. Always obtain explicit, affirmative consent. 

Affirmative consent is a clear verbal, written, or gestured “YES” given by people with the capacity to consent and free of intimidation, coercion, and/or fear of repercussions from saying “NO.”


Titans of the Midwest has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind and/or safety concerns including, but not limited to:

  • Stalking
  • Intimidation
  • Threats of violence- verbal, gestured, written or otherwise conveyed 
  • Physical assault and/or battery
  • Psychological abuse
  • Harassing or non-consensual photography or recording
  • Repetitive disruption of presentations and other events
  • Bathroom policing
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome physical attention
  • Being in possession of banned weapons and/or brandishing of weapons
  • Public intoxication when it endangers others 
  • Publicly sharing participant information (contact information, HIV status, employment, etc) and/or photos without consent 
  • Displays of hate/bigotry–both online and in person– through symbols, gestures, and/or speech- targeting/relating to, but not limited to:
    • Race/Ethnicity/Skin Color
    • National Origin/Citizenship
    • Gender
    • Gender Identity (Including misgendering and/or use of “dead names”)
    • Gender Expression/ Presentation
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Marital Status/Relationship(s)/Family Composition 
    • Age
    • Body Size/Shape
    • Physical Abilities/Disabilities
    • Mental Abilities/Disabilities 
    • Appearance  (No disparaging other’s gear)
    • Religion
    • Citizenship
    • Reproductive Rights/Pregnancy
    • HIV Status 
    • Health
    • Financial Status/Occupation (Including sex work)
    • Sobriety
    • Consensual Kink/Fetish Interests (Don’t “Yuck Others Yum”)
  • The following should never be done without express consent for that SPECIFIC action
    • Touching or grabbing collars. Many people have unique rules around their collars
    • Touching or pulling on tails regardless of whether they are inserted
    • Popping someone’s latex like a rubber band without express consent for that specific action 
    • Applying anything to someone’s gear 

The Titans do not allow the wearing of Nazi insignia or uniforms at our events. Furthermore, the Organization does not tolerate any form of discrimination, including but not limited to racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or other hateful attitudes, manifestations, or actions. 

Membership in organizations that promote discrimination or are extremist in nature is also prohibited. Individuals discovered to be active in such organizations may face Board review—even if no specific incident occurs at a Titans event.


If a person engages in behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct at any time, Titans of the Midwest will take prompt action in any form deemed appropriate, including expulsion from the event and prohibition for attending future events, with no refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE participating in a Titans event.  ALL participants are subject to this Code of Conduct.


Please note that anyone can report harassment to event staff at any time. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness harassment happening to someone else, you should immediately contact event staff/security. Should security be employed by a venue or other third party please also alert the event coordinator, board member, or other member of Titans of the Midwest designated as a responsible party for that event.  If necessary, security or event staff will provide escort, offer a safe place, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment. Only when necessary will event/security staff contact law enforcement. To report an incident via email please send to 

If a violation of this code of conduct is witnessed or disclosed during an event, any Board member is empowered to resolve the matter according to their own judgment in the moment, up to and including ejection from the event. Any such cases will also be reported to the rest of the Board for further discussion/management.

Issues submitted via email will be reviewed by the Titans Board, who will consider the issue(s) as a set of data points, useful in seeking patterns of behavior surrounding an individual.

As a result of a violation or violations the board of directors may take actions that range from a warning, to removal from a single event, to revocation of membership, to banning from all Titans events.